NCACC Risk Pools Human Resources Legal Helpline Service

The NCACC Risk Pools’ Human Resources Legal Helpline is a NEW limited resource available to NCACC Risk Pool members. The sole purpose of the Helpline is to assist members with basic, time-sensitive employment issues. The NCACC Risk Pools have contracted directly with Pool attorneys to provide the requested advice at no initial cost to its members.

To use the Helpline, a Pool member will complete the attached form and send it by email or fax to a legal professional as outlined in the document. Once the request is received, an attorney will contact the appropriately designated requestor by close of business the next day, if not sooner.

Examples for when the Helpline should be utilized might include:

  • Disciplinary actions
  • Terminations
  • Harassment allegations
  • Reasonable accommodation requests
  • Discrimination and retaliation allegations
  • FMLA questions/compliance concerns
  • Civil Service questions/compliance concerns

Limitations of the Helpline

The Helpline is not intended to replace any of the services afforded by statutory/local legal counsel, your human resources department, or human resources consulting firms. You will still need to consult with your legal counsel or contracted human resources professionals (other than the Helpline) for the following instances or similar circumstances:

  • A court or administrative hearing appearance on behalf of a member
  • In-person meeting with a member
  • Sending correspondence to an adverse party on behalf of a member
  • Creation, review, and editing of employment policies, handbooks, or personnel descriptions
  • Civil Service matters revolving around a layoff or job abolishment
  • Circumstances that will require extensive legal research or time


The NCACC Pools Human Resources Legal Helpline will provide Risk Pool members with specific legal advice to promptly assist counties in handling situations where decisions need to be made on employment-related issues promptly. The Helpline is limited in scope and not intended to replace the assistance or engagement of county attorneys or human resources counsel. They provide essential services that enable members to establish and maintain effective human resources programs.

The county’s intended point of contact should be the county manager, human resources director, or county attorney. Please contact Charlie Eaton at [email protected] with any questions you may have concerning accessibility to the NCACC Risk Pools Human Resources Legal Helpline.